Saturday, August 15, 2009

A long obedience in the same direction

As my mother suffers brain cancer, more than any time in my life I have questioned, doubted, wondered, and prayed for faith. Eugene Peterson calls discipleship..."a long obedience in the same direction". Pray for me and my family as the walk of obedience seems longer and steeper every day.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What Bible School taught me.....

enough said!

Something missing...

A good friend of mine, we'll call her Lois, was driving home with her son and a friend. The little friend was singing "Jesus loves me" as they rode in their van. Lois asked her son, why don't you join in singing? To which he replied: I don't know this one.

Those of us in the official "church" world would be astonished that a child wouldn't know the words to "Jesus loves me". It seems impossible. Yet, there are so many people who don't see church or even God as part of their day to day lives.

In my conversations, I have noticed there is a clear sense that something is missing. I often wonder if people have simply forgotten or misplaced God. Until there is a crisis, there seems to be no reason to even bring God up.

What if faith was more than repeating the right words, attending or not attending the right services, doing or not doing the right things? What if faith was more? What if God is not forgotten? What if God is as close as your next breath?